Trinidad Carnival 2025

The event is expired

Trinidad Carnival continues to grow each year. If you are not a Trini, then you may be forgiven for thinking that Trinidad Carnival is a 2-day street party….it is so much more than that! The festival is a series of events, competitions and parties (called fetes) that kicks off from Boxing Day – 26 December – and builds up speed until the crescendo on Carnival Tuesday some 2 months later.

Take out your mobile phone and block off these dates NOW for Trinidad Carnival 2025: February 26th to March 5th. Those are the minimum number of days you need to be in Trinidad next year for the “Mother of ALL Carnivals”!

Start planning your Trinidad Carnival today – get flights; book your accommodation; buy your fete tickets; get your J’Ouvert costume; buy your pretty costume for the big parade on Tuesday 4th March when it all culminates. You will literally be partying EVERY day and night.

Those final days of Carnival are packed with all-inclusive Fetes, most start at midday and ending midnight and beyond. Punctuated by Breakfast Fetes, which start at 04:00 am and go to lunchtime. And peppered with night crawls through the Pan Yards to listen to all the Steelbands practice for the National Panorama competition. There are also concerts at night, with live performances by highly energised local performers like Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin, Kes and many, many more.

Trinidad Carnival is not a sprint, but a marathon of partying and it is guaranteed to be the BEST experience of your life – the music, the food, the colours, the excitement and the people!  The happiest, party-crazy people on the planet; who never sleep.

Are you ready?

Book Trinidad Accommodation

Event Detail

February 26, 2025
March 5, 2025
Port of Spain, Trinidad


Trinidad & Tobago